Fort Meade Veterans Memorial

This memorial is to honor all

U.S. military veterans

for serving our country with honor & self sacrifice

to insure the freedom of the greatest country in the world

United States of America

Dedicated Nov. 11, 2006

American Revolution

1776 - 1783

Served 217,000

Battle deaths 4,435

Wounded 6,188

Civil War

1861 - 1865


Served 2,213,363

Battle deaths 140,414

Wounded 281,881


Served 1,050,000

Battle deaths 74,524

Wounded unknown

World War I

1917 - 1918

Served 4,734,991

Battle deaths 53,402

Wounded 204,002

MIA 3,350

World War II

1940 - 1945

Served 16,112,566

Battle deaths 291,557

Wounded 671,846

MIA 78,750

Korean War

1950 - 1953

Served 5,720,000

Battle deaths 33,686

Wounded 130,284

MIA 8,215

Vietnam War

1964 - 1975

Served 9,200,000

Battle deaths 47,410

Wounded 153,303

MIA 1,905

Gulf War

1990 - 1991

Served 2,322,332

Battle deaths 148

Wounded 467

Iraq War

Marker is at the intersection of West Broadway Street and Charleston Avenue on West Broadway Street.


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