Fort Omaha Knights of Columbus Assembly Hall

Fort Omaha Walking Tour

During World War I, citizen participation in relief and aid societies was exceptional across America. Omaha’s Red Cross chapter led all cities in the country in per capita membership.

In addition to the Red Cross providing a canteen at Fort Omaha, the Knights of Columbus and the YMCA both constructed recreation halls for soldiers. The YMCA began its work in 1917, and the Knights of Columbus in 1918. They provided athletic games, educational classes, lectures, musical entertainment, picture shows, dances and facilities for writing, including a post office. The “Y” also sponsored missions and other services at the Fort for men unable to leave during the 1918 influenza quarantine.

Society women and debutantes of Omaha cooked and served food at a Red Cross canteen at the Fort. With more than 150 women on the canteen’s volunteer staff, many romances started at Fort Omaha. If a soldiers had some money, he would pass up his army chow for homecooking at the canteen where everything from smoking hot pancakes to T-bone steaks were served.

For many of the soldiers, army life at Fort Omaha offered an unforgettable experience made more positive because of the active participation of the citizens of Omaha.

Today, the only aid society building still standing, the former Knights of Columbus assembly hall, serves as a student center and the Fort Omaha Campus bookstore.

Marker is on East Road, on the right when traveling north.


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