Forty-Third North Carolina Regiment

Daniel's Brigade - Rodes's Division

Forty-Third North Carolina Regiment

Daniel's Brigade Rodes's Division

Ewell's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Thomas Stephen Kenan


William Gaston Lewis

Lieutenant Colonel

Walter Jones Boggan


As they approached the field of battle on the morning of July 1, the 43d North Carolina, along with the rest of Daniel's Brigade heard the distant booming of cannon. Early in the afternoon the regiment moved to the right and onto open ground where they were met by a furious fire. Their steady progress was checked by the deep railroad cut, but subsequent assaults were successful in breaking the Union line. Having suffered heavily, the Regiment rested for the night west of town. The next morning the 43d supported a battery just north of the Seminary. Shelling from the guns on the nearby heights inflicted some losses. Toward evening the Regiment took up a position on the Southern edge of town.

Before daybreak on July 3, the 43d moved to the extreme left of the Confederate line to take part in an assault on Culp's Hill. Passing this point and advancing under heavy fire, they occupied earthworks abandoned by Union troops. Attempting to push beyond the works, the regiment was exposed to a most severe fire of canister, shrapnel, and shell at short range. During the attack Col. Kenan was wounded and taken from the field and command passed to Lt. Col. Lewis. The Regiment retired to this point and remained exposed and under fire until ordered to recross Rock Creek in the early evening.

"All that men could do, was done nobly"

Erected by the State of North Carolina


Marker is on East Confederate Avenue, on the left when traveling south.


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