Frank Sanchez

Frank Sanchez 1835-1877

Little is known of Frank Sanchez, even though he left behind one of the most distinctive markers in the cemetery. Sanchez was born in 1835 in San Antonio, Texas, and died in 1877 in Warrington, Florida. A stone tree stump marks his final resting place.

Although similar to the fraternal Woodmen of the World Insurance Company markers found across the nation and this cemetery, Sanchez died before the Woodmen were founded, implying that his gravestone had a more personal meaning. A tree stump often symbolizes a life cut short, perhaps indicating that those he left behind felt his death at 42 came too soon. He is buried alongside his wife, but the inscription is too worn to decipher her name. His son, Stephen, is buried next to them.

Researched and written by Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History program.

Credits and Sources:

Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History Program