Franklin County World War I Memorial

Spirit of the American Doughboy

They shall live forevermore

our glorious dead

1917       1919

Erected to the memory of the men and women of Franklin County who gave their lives in the World War

“Greater love hath no man than this

that a man lay down his life for his friends”

St. John XV. 13

[First column]

Clarence D. Armstrong •

John L. Armstrong •

Lt. Burt J. Asper •

Luke S. Barkdoll •

Lloyd C. Baughman •

Paul J. Beattie •

Claude A. Render •

Corp. John C. Bishop •

Elmer H. Brechbill •

Corp. Paul D. Brumbaugh •

Sgt. Frank Carraugh •

Winfield Carey •

Paul Cole •

Theodore J. Crist •

Irvin R. Cump •

Corp. A. Melvin Deirich •

Roy Diehl •

Hilbert A. Doyle •

George W. Dunmire •

Patrick R. Regan •

Sgt. Jacob L. Frey •

Charles C. Glass •

Corp. Wm. R. Gochenauer •

Merle Gontz •

William H. Gontz •

Nurse Mottie Good •

Corp. George E. Green •

Norman C. Haller •

Nurse Josephine Hammond

[Second (middle) column]

Carlton Harbaugh •

John W. Hartman •

Sgt. James R. Hatherlee •

Edgar B. Hockensmith •

Lewis Himes •

Clarence L. Hinkle •

Nurse Katharine P. Irwin •

Samuel Jaffy •

Lester W. Johnston •

Alfred Jones •

Russell C. Jones •

Sgt Norman C. Kohler •

Charles A. Kreitzer •

Lt. P. Evans Kriechbaum •

Howard B. Kriner •

Harry P. Lackhove •

Charles B. Lautenslager •

Sgt. Earl R. Leckron •

Russell H. Lehman •

Corp. John R. Long •

Charles B. Lucore •

Nurse Florence Matthews •

Sgt. James McCartney •

Corp. A. J. McNeal •

Sgt Earnest Miller •

Howard M. Miller •

Nurse Lydia B. Miller •

Samuel Millhouse •

Nurse Mary E. Minick •

Lt. J. Lynn Mort

[Third column]

Russell M. Newman •

Corp. Chas. M. Nitterhouse •

Lt. James G. Nixon •

Arthur B. Nole •

Corp. Walter B. Peiffer •

Harold E. Pente •

Lt. G. F. Poffenberger •

Sgt. Welky M. Picking •

Sgt. Mark G. Rock •

James Rockwell •

Sgt. Chas. G. Rossman •

David E. Ryder •

Walter Seville •

Alvin C. Sheets •

Charles F. Sheffler •

Sgt. A Edgar Shoemaker •

Richard L. Smith •

Clyde W. Spidell •

Sgt. Omer P. Stephey •

Joseph M. Stickell •

Joseph H. Stoner •

Charles W. Stoops •

Clyde W. Strausner •

Corp. Crawford C. Strine •

John A. Weniling •

Corp. James E. Wilhide •

Jacob E. Wingeri •

Wesley Yeager •

Corp. Leslie Zeger

Marker is at the intersection of Lincoln Highway (U.S. 30) and Queen Street, on the left when traveling west on Lincoln Highway.


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