Garrity's Alabama Battery

Maj. Alfred R. Courtney's Artillery Battalion.

Garrity's Alabama Battery.

Two 10 Pdr. Parrotts, Two 12 Pdr. Napoleons.

Maj. Alfred R. Courtney's Artillery Battalion.

Hindman's Division.

Nov. 1863.

Capt. James Garrity, Commanding.

1st Lieut. Philip Bond.

1st Lieut. Maynard A. Hassell.

2nd Lieut. Henry F. Carroll.

The section of Parrott guns occupied this position for nearly two months previous to the battle of the 24th and was engaged at intervals in firing at the enemy's wagon trains Moccasin Point Batteries and lines facing Missionary Ridge. About midnight of Nov. 23rd, after the enemy had advanced and occupied Orchard Knob this section was ordered to report to General Anderson commanding the division which then occupied the line of works at the base of Missionary Ridge and on its summit east of Orchard Knob and north of the Birds Mill Road.

Marker can be reached from Point Park Road 0.1 miles north of East Brow Road.


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