Garrity's Alabama Battery

Maj. Alfred R. Courtney's Artillery Battalion.

Garrity's Alabama Battery.

Two 10-pdr. Parrotts: Two 12-pdr. Napoleons.

Maj. Alfred R. Courtney's Artillery Battalion.

Hindman's (Anderson's) Div., Hardee's Corps.

Nov. 25, 1863, 4 p.m.

Capt. James Garrity, Commanding.

1st Lieut. Philip Bond.

1st Lieut. Maynard A. Hassel.

2nd Lieut. Henry F. Carroll.


The section of Napoleon guns supported by the left of Anderson's Brigade of Hindman's Division occupied this position during the attack of Nov. 25th, opening on the first appearance of the enemy and continuing to fire till the assaulting column was among the guns. There being no infantry support south of the guns for several hundred yards to command the ravine and southern slope in front of the section. Hazen's brigade climbed the ridge assembling just under the crest, and when sufficient force had been collected, boldly dashed over the summit capturing the guns, and immediately turned them on the Confederate line, raking it in each direction. This was the first point in the line carried by the Union troops.

Casualties: 2 men wounded and 10 captured; 2 Napoleon guns and 4 caissons.

Marker is on North Crest Road south of Colyar Drive, on the right when traveling north.


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