Gen. John A. Wagener

Founder of Walhalla. Born in Sievern, Kingdom of Hannover. Germany July 21, 1816. He emigrated to Charleston, SC where her became a leader in the German emigrant community. Elected Mayor of Charleston. Organized the German Colonization Society with the purpose of finding a suitable place for German emigrants to settle in upstate South Carolina. During the War Between the States, he served as

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a Colonel in the German Artillery, South Carolina Militia, Confederate States Army, and was later promoted to Brigadier General. Died August 29, 1876 in Walhalla, and was buried in Saint John's Lutheran Church cemetery at his request. His remains were later removed to Bethany Cemetery, Charleston, SC, where a monument was erected to him by the veterans of the German Artillery.

Marker is on South Church Street, on the right when traveling north.


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