General A. P. Stewart's Division

Monument at Beech Grove, Tennessee

(Front):General A.P. Stewart

Stewart's Division

2nd Army Corps


Army of Tennessee


Dedicated 24th Day of April 2010

By Benjamin F. Cheatham Camp 72

Sons of Confederate Veterans

Manchester, Tennessee

(Reverse):Battle of Hoover's Gap

June 24 - 26, 1863

Stewart's Division

Bates' Brigade

4th Ga. Inf. Bn SS. - 15th Tenn. Inf. Reg't.

37th Ga. Inf. Reg't. - 20th Tenn. Inf. Reg't.

2nd 9th Ala. Inf. Btn. - Ala. Eufala Art'y. Btry.

Brown's Brigade

14th Ga. Btn. Light Art'y.

Johnson's Brigade17th Tenn. Inf. Reg't. - 37th Tenn. Inf. Reg't.

23rd Tenn. Inf. Reg't. - 44th (Cons) Tenn. Inf. Reg't.

25th Tenn. Inf. Reg't. - Miss. Pettus' Flying Art'y Btry.

Frank Maney's Tenn. Lt. Art'y.

No faint of hearts existed in the brave soldiers of Stewart's Division as they marched double-quick the five miles from their camp at Fairfield in the rain on the afternoon of Friday, June 24, 1863 to make three frontal assaults against the entrenched invading Union forces of John Wilder's Mounted Infantry and Eli Lilly's 18th Indiana Artillery. Confederates for the first time ever in the war faced the new 7-shot Spencers in the hands of Wilder's two thousand mounted infantry and Eli Lilly's six 3-inch rifles and four mountain howitzers. The rifle fire and 350 double-shot canister rounds barely prevented Confederate forces from overrunning Union positions. Darkness ended the fighting. --- Deo Vindice

Marker can be reached from Confederate Cemetery Road 0.1 miles south of Old U.S. Highway 41.


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