General Leonidas Polk's Headquarters

G.W. Hardage house; June 10-14, 1864

After withdrawing his corps from Lost Mtn. June 9, Polk’s H’dq’rs. [CS] were at the John Kirk house 1 mi. W. on this rd. June 10, h’dq’rs. were moved to Hardage house.

Sun. June 12. The Bishop-General read the church service (Episcopal) for his staff, escort, and the Hardage family.

June 14. Polk rode with Johnston, Hardee & others to Pine Mtn. to inspect Bate’s [CS] line at that advanced outpost. While there, Polk was killed by a Federal shell.

Marker is at the intersection of Burnt Hickory Road NW and Hardage Trace NW, on the right when traveling west on Burnt Hickory Road NW.


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