George Washington

George Washington

Where You Are Standing

On September 20, 1780

Waits General George Washington,

Commander-in-Chief of the American Armies

During the American Colonies' Revolution

Against Great Britain.

He has come with Governor Trumbull and

Connecticut's Patriots to greet the French Armies

under Rochambeau, Admiral de Tirney,

de Grasse and La Fayette.

The two armies form an alliance

that will bring about an independent

United States of America.

This place marks the beginning of

the Rochambeau Trail that leads to

the defeat of the dreaded British General,

Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown.

George Washington sculpture by Randy Nelson, 1996

Made possible through a grant from

The Hartford Courant Foundation.

Marker can be reached from Main Street near Central Row, on the right when traveling north.


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