Global War on Terrorism Memorial

City of DuPont

Tablet #1

On September 11, 2001, nineteen Al-Qaeda terrorists attacked the United States homeland. In less than 4 hours they killed nearly 3,000 men, women and children.

Countless extraordinary Americans answered the call to defend this great nation, many of whom made DuPont their home. They committed their lives to hunt down the enemy and dismantle the network of terrorists across the globe and keep America safe.

When a soldier goes to war, the family at home bears a heavy burden. When a soldier falls, it is the family that suffers the loss and struggles to carry on. The citizens of DuPont stand behind those selfless individuals and the families that have borne the burdens of this war.

With humble gratitude, this memorial is dedicated to honor all the citizens of DuPont who served their nation in this noble cause, and the families who loved the. We especially remember those who gave the last full measure of devotion.

Tablet #2

We Will Remember

SFC Mark W. Jackson•KIA Philippines 2 Oct 2001•1st Special Forces Group

SSG Christopher Bunda•KIA Iraq 25 Jan 2004•2-3 Inf Bn 3rd Stryker Bde 2nd ID

SSG Michael Burbank•KIA Iraq 11 Oct 2004•1-14 Cav 3rd Stryker Bde 2nd ID

MSG Brian A Mack•KIA Iraq 13 Jan 2005•3-21 Inf Bn 1st Stryker Bde 25th ID

SPC Alexander D. Fallstone•Training Ft Lewis 31 Jan 2005•1-23 INF 3rd Stryker Bde 2nd ID

Jerry Palinsky•KIA Iraq 3 May 2006•Convoy Operations

SSG Henry K Kahalewai•KIA Iraq 15 Dec 2006•1-14 Cav 3rd Stryker Bde 2nd ID

SFC Nathan L Winder•KIA Iraq 26 Jun 2007•1st Special Forces Group

SSG Sean D Diamond•KIA Iraq 15 Feb 2009•14th Eng Bn 555th Eng Bde

CPT John L Hallett III•KIA Afghanistan 25 Aug 2009•1-17th Inf Bn 5th Stryker Bde 2nd ID

MSG (RET) Dane C Paresi•KIA Afghanistan 30 Dec 2009•CIA FOB Chapman

SPC James L Miller•KIA Afghanistan 29 Mar 2010•4-23 Inf Bn 5th Stryker Bde 2nd ID

SSG Conrad A Mora•KIA Afghanistan 24 July 2010•5th Bn 3rd FA Regt 17th Fires Bde

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Ross Avenue and Wilmington Drive, in the median.


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