Goshen World War I Monument

A Tribute to The Valor

of the

Men of Goshen

Who Fought For

Freedom and Humanity

In The World War

1917 – 1919

John A. Beckwith • Charles A. Bushey • Alec Cabanna • Clifford H. Colby • * Joseph Czerna • Frederick S. Dean • Harry B. Green • * Otis Hine • Vincent P. Kelley • Maurice Lambert • Charles Lamson • * Irving Lamson • Earl Meachem • Clarence Messenger • Gunner V. Mossberg • Raymond North • Charles D. Peck • Henry L. Peck • Albert Perrett • Raymond H. Perregeaux • * Anthony Picone • Joseph Picone • Clifford Prindle • Walter V. Richard • David T. Rogers • Carl Schuster • Henry Schweitzer • Charles A. Siddell, 2nd • Paul Thomen • James C. Wadhams • John M. Wadhams

Erected by the

People of Goshen


Marker is at the intersection of North Street (Connecticut Route 63) and Elementary Drive, on the right when traveling north on North Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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