Graham's Battery - Dance's Battalion

Artillery Reserve - Ewell's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Ewell's Corps - Artillery Reserve

Dance's Battalion - Graham's Battery

Rockbridge Artillery

Four 20 pounder Parrotts

July 1 The Battery arrived on the field too late to participate in the engagements of the day. Was ordered to report to Lieut-Colonel H.P. Jones commanding Artillery Early's Division and moved into position on the left to the south and east of town.

July 2 Remained in position on the left firing occasionally

July 3 Remained in position during the day and rejoined the Battalion during the night.

July 4 Took up line of march to Hagerstown.

Ammunition expended 439 rounds - Losses not reported in detail

Marker is at the intersection of Benner's Hill Loop and Hanover Road (Pennsylvania Highway 116), on the right when traveling south on Benner's Hill Loop.


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