Granite Mountain Mining Company Office

This two-story building, constructed in about 1885, was one of the first structures in Granite, and housed the brick vault that is seen here. The mining office handled the payroll for the men who worked at the Ruby Shaft and the two mills on the hill across the road to your north. Newspapers articles of the day told of men being paid entirely in silver coins, and of merchants threatening to burn any paper money they encountered.

The first three Superintendents of the Granite Mountain works were Charles D. Mclure, Frank L. Perkins and Captain John L. Plummer. The first dividend from the mine was paid shortly after Mr. Plummer became Superintendent in 1885. Later, Superintendent Thomas Weir had a 16-foot by 16-foot hot water plunge, drying room and reading room built for the workers of the Ruby Shaft Mine. This helped prevent miners from contracting pneumonia caused by leaving the mine in wet work clothes.

Just to the right (north) of the brick vault is a large shallow hole that was the site of the Buskett Mercantile Co. General Store. This was a major business in Granite, owned by the Granite Mountain Mining Company.

Marker can be reached from Contract Mill Road.


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