Great War For Democracy Memorial

[ main panel ]

"Their bodies are buried in peace;

but their name liveth for evermore."

Ecclesiastes 44:14

In Flanders Fields

    by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

[ left small panel ]

His Sacrifice Is Forever

In commemoration of a Patriot who,

by his self-consecration to humanity's appeal, counted his

country dearer than his own life.

Corporal Frank A. Coyle, Co. H, 102nd Infantry,

first casualty from Waterbury, died

March 13, 1918, Chemin des Dames, France.

His Sacrifice in the

Great War For Democracy 1917 – 1919

will not be forgotten

Waterbury Veterans Memorial Committee

Col. John Chiarella, Chairman

March 13, 2004

[ left small panel ]

Sons Of Italy

Honor Roll

We dedicate this Tribute of Appreciation to those

heroes whose self-sacrifice has preserved for us the

blessings of Freedom. To those brave Sons of Italy

who gave their lives that we may live in Peace, we

give our everlasting thanks.

Alcorace, Amadeo • Angelo, Frank • Apalucci, Joseph • Calo, Marchiano • Caveliery, Giovanni • Consiglio, Joseph • Costello, Morgan J. • Creta, Frank • Daomi, Patrick • DelNero, Emil • DiNolle, Giuseppe • Duaritza, Mike • Florio, Nicholas • Francobandiero, Donato • Gahdo, John • Ginnetty, Alphonse • Giuliana, Abele • Lopario, Francesco • Marini, Michael • Marrello, Michael • Palumbo, Alexander • Ruscio, Louis • Schianone, Charles A. • Tarullo, Flavio • Torneo, Msnado • Vallone, Joseph • Vechione, Salvan

They gave their lives for their country

Dulce et Decorum est, Pro Patria Mori

Their sacrifice in the

Great War For Democracy

1917 – 1919

will never be forgotten

Favale-Generali-Florio Post #8

Italian-American War Veterans

Thomas Ciarlo, Commander

[ right small panel ]

They Kept The Faith

With full respect to all of the splendid Defenders of the

Republic, still may we say that none have more superbly

"carried on" than men from Waterbury. With full

acknowledgment to their purity of patriotism and their

heroic and courageous devotion to duty, we give thanks.

In Perpetual Memory and

Grateful Appreciation to the

18 members of

Harmony Lodge No. 42

A.F. & A.M.

who served in the

Great War For Democracy 1917 – 1919

[ right small panel ]

In Everlasting Tribute

To all our Jewish sons

from Waterbury who served in the

Army and Navy of the United States during the

Great War For Democracy 1917 – 1919

Honor Roll

Pvt. David L. Fannick

died June 16, 1918 – Age 24

Pvt. Samuel J. Kleinman

died October 10, 1918 – Age 22

Pvt. Samuel D. Morgenstern

died October 12, 1918 – Age 24

Cpl. Samuel G. Robinovitz

died October 15, 1918 – Age 20

They gave their lives for their country

For their daring, their bravery, their dedication to the

pursuit of our nation's ideals, we give our everlasting

thanks. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

David L. Fannick Post #91

Jewish War Veterans

Time will not dim the glory of their deeds

Marker is at the intersection of Meadow Street and Bank Street, on the right when traveling north on Meadow Street.


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