Greenville County Confederate Monument

[South Side]:

All lost, but by the graves

Where martyred heroes rest

He wins the most who honor saves

Success is not the test

The world shall yet decide

In truth's clear far off light

That the soldiers

Who wore the gray and died

With Lee, where right.

[East Side]:

Come from the four winds, O breath,

And breathe upon these slain

That they may live.

Resting at last, in that glorious

Land, where the white flag

Of peace is never furled.

[North Side]:

Nor Shall your glory be forgot

While fame her record, keeps

Or honor points the hallowed spot

Where valor proudly sleeps,

Nor wreck, nor change,

Nor winter's blight,

Not time's remorseless doom,

Can dim one ray of holy light

That gilds your glorious tomb.

Marker is at the intersection of North Main Street and East Elford Street on North Main Street.


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