Greenville County Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Southeast Wall

Panel 1:

The Purple Heart

Awarded to


"For Your Tomorrow,

They Gave Their Today.

Panel 2:

The young warrior does no speak.

Nevertheless, he is heard in the still houses: who has not heard him.

He has a silence that speaks for him at night and when the clock counts.

I am young. I have died. Remember me.

I have done what I could but until it is finished it is not done.

I have given my life, but until it is finished no one can say what my life gave.

My death is not mine; it is yours; it will mean what you make it.

Whether my life and my death are for peace and a new home or for nothing, I cannot say; it is for you who must say this.

I leave you my death; give it its meaning.

I was young. I have died. Remember me.

Panel 3:

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, is directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of earlier wars, were treated and appreciated by their nation." -- George Washington.

Southwest Wall

Panel 1:

"To honor those who served the cause of freedom."

Panel 2:

Oh! The Courage

Oh, the courage it took to take a stand,

and endure the pain in a distant land.

While our country's support was often less,

you stood your ground and did your best.

Men and women of Greenville County,

such bravery displayed,

as you went to another country's aid.

With sad and grateful hearts, its not in vain

we carry your torch as we honor your names.

We Love You!


The Sons of All America's Pride

The sons of all America's pride

On foreign soil they fought

and died.

Their cause of freedom was not

in vain.

Our loss is surely heaven's gain.


A Tribute to the Men Who Died

The young boys grew into men so fast

I guess childhood was never meant to last.

Although a flood of tears we have cried

Cannot bring back the men who died.

We forget what the men gave,

And in our hearts, for them, a place we'll save.

Panel 3:

American Gold Star Mothers

This is an emblem of mothers

whose sons or daughters served

and died that this world might

be a better place in which you life.

Greater love hath no man than this,

that a man lay down his life

for his friends. -- John 15:13

Marker is on Cleveland Park Avenue.


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