Greenville Memorial Auditorium

This building was erected by the citizens of the Greenville community as a tribute to that glorious heritage which inspired the development and formation of the American government and the freedoms to which it aspires and is dedicated to the men and women of this community who in time of war gave freely of service and even life itself in order that this government and those freedoms might by perpetuated.


Board of Trustees

Ed. B. Smith, Chairman

L.M. Glenn, Secretary; E. Roy Stone, Junior

L.E. Brookshire; Susan L. Tillinghast

Leon Campell; T.H. Turner

John F. Drake; C. Douglas Wilson

Copy of the Original

Resolution Beginning Planning

Greenville Memorial Auditorium

Whereas, Greenville County is the most populous county in South Carolina and located in the heart of the great Piedmont section and it is a recognized fact that said County does not have a suitable auditorium for the purpose of holding conventions, concerts, and similar gatherings, and

Whereas, there is a dire need of such an auditorium in this community for organizations such as the Little Theatre, and the purposes mentioned above, and

Whereas, we believe such an auditorium would be instrumental in bringing large conventions to this community, which would be a great asset and very beneficial to Greenville City and county,

And Whereas, the United States Government is encouraging construction of such projects and is willing to assist in a large measure in financing the cost on a basis no progressive community can afford to refuse,

Therefore Be It Resolved: That the Greenville Lions Club in regular meeting assembled, this eleventh day of May, 1938, request and urge the mayor and City County of Greenville, the Chamber of Commerce and other public officials to take steps immediately for the procurement of such a project for the community, and

Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the local newspapers and the secretaries of all civic and service organizations of this county, requesting their cooperation and support, to the end that an auditorium by secured for Greenville as soon as possible.

Unanimously adopted by meeting of Club on May 11, 1938. E.M. Moffett, Sec.

Committee: John L. Plyler, James F. Daniel, Jr., R.O. Tuten



Memorial Auditorium


Cunningham & Walker


Greenville, S.C.

Marker can be reached from North Academy Street.


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