Greenwich Ninth District Veterans Memorial

Erected In Memory Of The

Men From The Ninth District

Greenwich, Connecticut

Who Served In The Armed

Forces And Paid The Supreme

Sacrifice For Their Country

Anthony J. Balco • Joseph T. Borowiec • Domenico S. Crucitti • Harold A. Granholm • John T. Gzeckowicz • Volta Karlicek • Chester H. Arthur • Alfred Dickens • Oliver R. Foss Jr. • John L. Lord • Stanley Marciniak • Benjamin T. Neilson • Herbert C. Stover • Joseph P. Tiriolo • John F. Wlasuk • Harry R. Lambertson • Raymond C. Siver Jr. • Leroy F. Barnes Jr. • Donald S. Repaci

Dedicated By The

Ninth District Veterans

Association Inc.

Marker is at the intersection of Glenville Road and Pemberwick Road, on the right when traveling east on Glenville Road.


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