Greenwood Cemetery

Established in 1880 and purchased by the City of Orlando in 1892, this cemetery contains both Confederate and Union sections.

Over 100 Confederate veterans and nearly 100 Union veterans are interred in the cemetery.

Among the Confederate veterans is William H. Jewell, who served in the 21st Mississippi Infantry and later on the staff of Lieutenant General Wade Hampton, and, in the postwar period, as a Florida legislator and Mayor of Orlando from 1907 to 1910.

The Union section of the cemetery contains a monument erected by the Grand Army of the Republic, a Union veteran's organization.

When a 1936 ordinance prevented the sale of burial plots to blacks in the Old City Cemetery, those already owning spaces were permitted to continue burials, although they were not encouraged. In protest, seven African Americans, led by J.R.D. Laster, Tallahassee's first black funeral director, purchased 16 acres on Old Bainbridge Road and established Greenwood in 1937. The City of Tallahassee assumed ownership and responsibility for perpetual care of the historic cemetery in 1987.

Information Provided by the Florida Department of State.