Hamilton County (Indiana) Honor Roll

[Large Stone Benches]

(Left Bench) ““ From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which. . .”

(Right Bench) “. . .they gave the last full measure of devotion”“

(Signature) - Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln’s Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - November 19, 1863

[Bronze Plaque on Right]

In memory of those Hamilton County Men who gave their lives during the Civil War 1861 - 1865

[Row One]

Joseph Achenbach • Frederick Alberding • Leroy Allcorn • Reed Allcorn • Iredell Allgood • Daniel Bales • Edmund Ball • John Ball • Levi H. A. Ball • William Ballard • William G. Ballard • Robert Ballinger • William Barber • Amasa Barker • Jacob Barnhiser • Lewis Bartholomew • John Beckwith • Martin Beckwith • Robert Bell • George W. Bellhymer • Joseph Benham • Ira K. Berryman • William Blevins • Elisha Bodley • Joseph Boon • Francis A. Bradfield • Abraham Brandom • John G. Brattain • Abraham Breese • Francis M. Brewer • Calvin Burchin • Austin Burdett • James L. Burdett • John L. Burgess • John E. Burns • Joshua Burios • Charles Burris • Daniel Burris • Daniel Bush • William Burton • William H. Byron • John S. Calverts • John Campbell • Absolom Carney • Mathias Carpenter • Jacob Carson • Cyrus Chance • Daniel R. Christian • James H. Clark • Joseph Cline • Jonathan Cloud • Samuel Cloud • George G. Coffman • Madison Commons • Robert B. Commons

[Row Two]

Joseph Conklin • John Cook • William A. Cook • Isaac Coppock • Albert B. CottinghamA • Aaron Cox • Ephriam M. Crews Amos Cruzan • John Cruzan • William Cutts • John Dan • Danaha • Samuel Davis • George Deakyne • William P. Dean • Thomas Demoss, Jr. • Henry S. Dow • Joseph S. Dow • John M. Duncan • Addison M. Dunn • Phillip Durflinger • Joseph A. Ecker • Oliver Essig • George W. Essington • Jeremiah Estell • James R. Eton • Joseph E. Evans • James R. Farley • James R. Fisher • Philip O. Fisher • John Fitzgerald • John Fitzpatrick • William Frazier • Jacob Fouch • Samuel Forward • Noah Gallaway • William H. Garboden • Adam M. Gardner • Salathiel Garrett • William Geralds • Jacob Gierhart • John Gilbert • Leander Glaze • Nathan Glaze • Edward Good • James A. Gray • Thomas Griffen • Simpson Gunn • Hezekiah Hackleman • William Hackleman • Gilbert M. Hall • John J. Hannah • Henry Harrison • Martin H. Harvey • Daniel Hause • James Haynes • Andrew Head

[ Row Three ]

Daniel Heaton • Moses J. Hedger • Henry Heiney • Eli Henry • Henry Hershman • Philip Hershman • Eli Hiatt • William Hiatt • William Hicks • Alexander Hoagland • Charles C. Hobbs • Thomas C. Holloway • George W. Hooper • John J. Householder • Marion L. Householder • Albert Hunt • Calvin Hunt • James R. Hunt • John Hutchins • Andrew B. Jackson • David Jackson • James T. Jackson • Joseph P. H. Jacobs • William Jacobs • James W. Jelliff • Jackson Jessup • Sylvester M. Jessup • Elcana Jester • Swain Johnson • James W. Jones • William M. Jones • Aaron Justice • Conrad Justice • Hiram Justice • Nelson J. Justice • William Kerr • Allen E. Kirkman • Andrew C. Knight • Faney Knight • Samuel Landers • Burton Lanhorn • Eli W. Layton • Richard M. Layton • John F. Lee • Clinton C. Lennan • Philip Lester • James W. Lewis • John Lewis • Oliver P. Lewis • John W. Lilly • Mills W. Lindsey • John Lutz • Garrick Mallery • John C. Malsby • George Martin • Zachariah Martin

[Row Four]

Daniel McCarthy • James McDaniels • Abram B. Meisee • Nathan Meisse • Jacob Mills • Seth Moon • Jesse Moore • John Morris • William Morris • Humphrey N. Mount • David Mullenix • Joshua Mundell • Archibald Murphy • Samuel Myers • James E. Nance • Robert Nance • Moses M. Neal • Townsend Newby • Ephraim Nickelson • William R. Nickelson • John Northham • Joseph S. Ogle • John B. Page • A. G. W. Parker • John D. Paskall • Asahel Peacock • Jonah Peacock • Abner Peck • George Penrod • Robinson Perkins • John R. Perrine • Jonathan Perry • George R. Phenis • Peter A. Phenis • Alexander W. Pickerel • Benjamin F. Pike • William H. Pike • Eli Randall • Pilnias Randall • Sylvanus Randall • Merrill Ransey • Henry S. Rank • Wesley F. Ransom • Charles Rawlings • Solomon Reynard • Timothy Reynard • Timothy J. Rich • Josiah W. Richards • John J. Richards • Joseph Ridley • Henry M. Riggs • Robert F. Robinson • Robert E. Rollings • Absalom Sanders • John A. Scott • David W. Semans

[Row Five]

Cornelius Sharp • Edward Sharp • John F. Sharp • Zimri Shaw • John W. Shock • William H. Slater • William Sloan • George W. Small • John J. Small • George W. Smith • John D. Smith • Lemuel R. Smith • William Smith • David Sperry • Eli Stephenson • William Stephenson • Jesse Stepp • Lewis S. Stewart • Presley J. Stewart • Lewis J. Summers • Abraham Swisher • Frederick Switzer • Joseph R. Teter • Mark Tharp • William H. H. Tharp • Obadian Tinker • James B. Tucker • Arthur Turner • Davis Tyner • William Waddle • Perry L. Wall • Emsley Warren • David M. Webert • James Wees • Christopher West • George W. West • Hiram C. Widows • Samuel H. Widows • Henry Wildmer • Henry Williams • William Winders • Edward Wood • Upton Woodruff • Riley Woods • John B. Woodward • Philip Woody • Robert Woody • Jacob Worts • Peter S. Wright • William Wright • Abraham V. Write • James W. Yoke • James C. Young • John L. Young

- - - - - - + - - - - 277 Died - - - - + - - - - - -

[Center - Bronze Plaque]

This Memorial Dedicated to the men of

Hamilton County

who gave their lives in service and sacrifice

for God and Country in

World War I and II

{Korean War - - Added}

[World War I - Section]

(Row One)

James R. Bicknell • Orval Elmer Breece • Nathan Earl Buckner • Charles C. Calhoun • Ora Dayton Catlin • Wesley E. Coverdale • Raymond Crawford • Clifford Milton Dunn • Kenneth Victor Elliott • James Thomas Evans • Lawrence E. George

(Row Two)

Harvey Harrison • Grover Hershel Hiatt • Ralph Orvil Hiatt • George R. Hochstedler • Frank E. Huntzinger • Basil Larue Kiste • Harry C. Leeman • Thomas J. Mayfield • Russell Manship

(Row Three)

Otto Roy Moore • Guy Griffith Michael • Charles B. Passwater • Ira Ringer • Erick Festus Sanders • Walter Louis Steckel • Benjamin H. Stotler • Arah Neal Thomas • Ula-Ray Wiles • Richard E. Worthman • Orpheus Walls

[World War II - Section]

(Row One)

Vernon E. Arnold • William D. Butler • Lowell Baker • George A. Baldwin • Eugene Ballard • Lowell Max Beaver • Billie E. Bence • Fred H. Bower • William Bruce • Robert Buscher • James Creek • William F. Carey • George N. Clark • Frederick M. Cook • J. Phillip Corbin • Clifford Cornelius • Kenneth Duncan • Benjamin H. Davis • Clarence Day • Robert S. Daugherty • Eldon D. Dugan • Harold G. Eller • Robert C. Franzina • Marion Lewis Farmer • Albert Ferguson • Ross Fisher • Hugh D. Fox • Claude L. Gaiser • George H. Gossert

(Row Two)

Delmar Galbreath • John R. Huntzinger • Wesley Hare, II • Paul Heisser • John F. Isenhower • N. C. Judy • Russell N. Johnson • Marion Jones • James N. King • Ralph King • William M. Keesling • Samuel E. Kaiser • Franklin Kemp • Eugene Lutes • Merrill S. Leonard • Fred R. Laufman • David Ervin Lackey • Ralph W. Lehr • Joseph Legg • Graden Maines • Lawrence Martin • Hugh C. McKay • Kenneth McMurtry • Vernon H. Miller • Max M. Mills • Millard Montgomery, Jr. • Edward Nightenhelser • Virgil North • Howard E. O’Rear

(Row Three)

George F. Penwell • Frank M. Platter • Kenneth Prickett • Charles W. Roberts • Elbert M. Revis • Eugene I. Roberts • Robert Clark Ross • Francis E. Reagan • Oakley Repp, Jr. • Von D. Rider • Robert C. Sylvester • Donald Salsberry • Charles Simms • Chester V. Sowers • Frederick Staton • Donald Stehman • John W. Stewart • John Richard Stern • Thomas P. Swank • John W. Thomas • Mandron C. Thomas • Melville L. Thompson • Edwin Harold Thorne • Knoeful L. VanMetre • Kenneth H. Walton • Elizabeth Rose Webster • James Scott Webster • William R. Whitesell • George E. Zimmer

[Korean War - Section]

(Row One)

Charles Childress • John Frederick Christy • Robert Townsend Copple

(Row Two)

Malcom Darrell Ireland • Charles R. Kenley • Robert P. Mainfold • David Morris

(Row Three)

William J. Nutter • Keith O’Conner • James F. Roudebush

Erected by - - Noblesville Lions Club - - 1946

[Bronze Plaque on Left]

Dedicated in memory of those men from

Hamilton County who lost their lives in

Southeast Asia

(Row One)

Roy Eldon Freeman, Jr. • Daniel Ellis Biddle • David Coy • Steven Eugene Clark • Guy Thomas Jones • Gerald Lee Johnson • Alan Jensen Bardach • Michael Eugene Randall • Thomas L. Bell • Daniel Lee Terry • Michael Howard Lawhon • James Michael Grant • Robert Wayne Shelton • Lawrence Lee Gordon • Kenneth Lindle Oldham • Benjamin E. Scolley • Michael Farley

(Row Two) - (Persian Gulf Wars) - (Iraqi Freedom)

Christopher E. Hudson • Armand Luke Frickey • Robert W. Murray, Jr. • Zachariah J. Gonzalez • Donte Jamal Whitworth

Erected by the people of Hamilton County

through the leadership of the Jaycees


Marker is on North 8th Street north of Conner Street, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: