Hampton Roads – World’s Greatest Harbor

Historical Events Passing the Shores of Olde Wythe

The body of water before you, named Hampton Roads, is one of the world’s biggest, deepest, natural harbors. It is formed at the mouths of the James, Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers and empties into the Chesapeake Bay. The name Hampton Roads honors Henry Wriothesley, the third Earl of Southampton. The nautical term “roads” means a place less sheltered than a harbor, where ships may ride at anchor.

Thoughout the course of history, Olde Wythe’s shores have seen many events that shaped the world. On May 13, 1607 Capt. Christopher Newport led his three ships through Hampton Roads and up the James River where the first permanent English colony was established.

During the War of 1812, on June 25, 1813, the British launched a surprise attack on the town of Hampton, landing before dawn between what is known today as Indian River and Robinson Creeks. As a result of the War of 1812, the U.S. Government decided to improve the defenses of the coast from foreign invasion with the construction of Fort Monroe in 1819. On March 8, 1862, the Confederate ironclad CSS Virginia (previously the USS Merrimack) entered Hampton Roads from the Elizabeth River, intent on destroying the Union blockading fleet. A historic battle now known as the “Battle of the Ironclads” took place. This battle changed naval warfare forever.

In 1907, the Atlantic battleship fleet was assembled in Hampton Roads in connection with the Jamestown Exposition. On December 16, with President Theodore Roosevelt present, 16 battleships, painted white with gilded scrollwork on their bows, embarked on the first round-the-world cruise in an effort to show the strength of the U.S. Navy. The battleships were later dubbed the “Great White Fleet.”

Across the harbor you see the Norfolk Naval Station, established in 1917 on land from the Jamestown Exposition. As the largest naval complex in the world, the base serves as the headquarters of the Atlantic Fleet, NATO, and the U.S. Joint Forces Command, and is the home port of the Second Fleet.

During both World Wars, Newport News was designated as an Army Port of Embarkation, due in part to its Hampton Roads location. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers passed this point as they went to their assigned posts overseas and returned here after the wars. On October 17, 1942, Major General George Patton and his men sailed past this location in route to the invasion of North Africa.

Today Hampton Roads continues to support the economic diversity of the area including shipping, fishing, and the abundant military presence and is one of the largest and busiest ports in the United States.

Bringing History to Life

For more neighborhood information visit: www.oldewythe.com

For more visitor information visit: www.VisitHampton.com

In partnership with Virginia Civil War Trails, www.civilwartrails.org

Marker is on Chesapeake Avenue (Virginia Route 167) near Alleghany Road, on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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