Hancock County Courthouse

Side A:

Hancock County was organized March, 1828, court being held in a log schoolhouse. In 1833, a frame courthouse was built. It served until 1840, when a brick structure went up on this site. During the oil and gas boom of the 1880's, the present courthouse was erected at a cost of $305,272, and dedicated Oct. 27, 1888.

Side B:

June 5, 1885, County Commrs. [Commissioners] C.S. Kelley, J.M. Moorhead and A.S. Beck, together with G.W. Galloway, G.W. Myers, Lemuel McManness and Presley Hay approved plans for the third Hancock County courthouse. W.H. Campfield & Son were contractors; Weary & Cramer, architects. Justice, Law and Mercy are the statutory group. The 16-ft. statue of John Hancock stands 130 ft. above ground.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Ohio Route 12) and Main Cross Street (Ohio Route 12), on the right when traveling south on Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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