Hanover Court House

Erected in 1735


Near here lived in 1610 Machumps, brother-in-law to King Powhatan.

Near here were born Patrick Henry and Henry Clay.

In this building on 1st December 1763 Patrick Henry lighted the torch of liberty in the Parson’s Cause.(over)

Erected by Hanover Branch A.P.V.A. 1929


Here in 1781 were the headquarters of Lord Cornwallis and Lt. Col. Tarleton.

Fierce battle fought here 27th May 1862.

On 13th June 1862 General Stuart passed on his ride around Gen. McClellan’s army.(over)

Erected by Hanover Branch A.P.V.A. 1929

Marker is on Hanover Courthouse Road (U.S. 301) 0.2 miles north of Depot Road, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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