Harrod Veterans Memorial Park

The Price of Freedom


Dedicated to the memory of all

veterans of the Armed Forces of

the United States of America, who

unselfishly served their country

in time of peace or war. It is

because of this effort that we

enjoy the freedom that is

ours today.

Dedicated June 14, 1997


Army, est. June 14, 1775

Navy, est. Oct. 13, 1775

Marine, est. Nov. 1775

Coast Guard, est. Aug. 4, 1790

Air Force, est. Sept. 18, 1947

Instruments of war remind us of

the price of democracy and liberty.

We honor all our men and women

who gave their lives, who have served

or are serving our country

in the preservation of our freedom

Marker is on Main Street, on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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