Hightstown World War II Memorial

We are grateful to

these Hightstown area men who gave their

lives in the service of their country

John F. Campbell • Robert W. Cutinelle • George F. Dennis • Franklin Ely • Martin Greenberg • William Hoffman • George Huber • Edward Hutchinson • Stanley Johnson • Henry Lloyd Miller • Frederick Norton • C. William Powell • Charles A. Richardson • Paul Shutman • Carl Snyder • Paul Szgeti • George Tillberg


We honor more than

400 Hightstown area men and women

who served in World War II

Donations for this plaque came from

Hightstown – Apollo Lodge # 41 F&AM

American Legion Post #148

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #5700


May 31, 2004

Marker is on N Main Street (U.S. 33), on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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