Historic Christ Church, Hapeville

With the involvement of Hapeville’s first Mayor, Samuel Hape, the oldest standing church structure in the City of Hapeville, situated at Georgia Avenue and Chestnut Street, was consecrated in November 1895. From 1895 until 1906 the building functioned as an Episcopal church. In 1906 it was officially listed as an unorganized mission. From 1909 to 1925 Christ Church was used as a kindergarten and as classroom space for College Street School. Around 1926 the building was renovated into a house and used as a residence. In 1986 the Hapeville Historical Society purchased the building and moved it to the east side of the Hapeville Railroad Depot. Restoration work was authenticated using 1890s photographs of the interior and exterior of the Church. The restored Church was officially opened in 1990 and until 1910 was the site for City and community events. In 2010, with increased emphasis on downtown historic locations as venues for cultural events, Historic Christ Church was again moved and restored to showcase the 1890s features of the structure. Its present location is that of the historical 1899 to 1969 site of the farm that comprised the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home.

Marker is at the intersection of South Central Avenue and Dogwood Drive, on the left when traveling west on South Central Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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