Historic John Osterman Gas Station

This property was listed in the National Register of

Historic Places on March 15, 2012. The John Osterman

Gas Station was one of several privately-owned and

operated businesses in the town of Peach Springs during the 1920's through the 1950's. The building, constructed by Osterman in 1923 was a vernacular design of poured concrete block and built in the tradition of the "House with Bays" form. It featured an office resembling a small house and a series of attached garage bays. The design, in addition to allowing the sale of gasoline and other automotive products, is indicative of the large amount of

repair work undertook over the years.

Marker is at the intersection of Historical Route 66 (U.S. 66 at milepost 127), and Diamond Creek Road (U.S. 66), on the right when traveling east on Historical Route 66.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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