Historic Valdese Foundation Heritage Millennium Clock Tower

For the European Waldensian settlers of Valdese, a clock tower served as a landmark or beacon for a town's inhabitants. This landmark honors and memorializes all these founders, leaders, citizens and organizations who have greatly contributed to the development of Valdese. Special acknowledgment of educators who have molded our future can be found here as well as inside the Old Rock School on this campus.

Grateful appreciation is extended to those listed below for their substantial donations for this Clock Tower.

Clock Master Benefactors

Alba Waldensian, Inc. •

Branch Banking & Trust •

Burke Mills, Inc. •

Walter G. & Varta B. Church •

Albert Francis Garrou, Sr. •

By G. Parks & Mary G. Sherrill •

Griffin Contractors, Inc. •

Antoine Grill, by Emanuel & Romilda P. Richard •

In Memory of Feece & Eleanor Lambert, by Joyce, Delon, Maxie, Mary, Judy & Druey •

W. Harold & Patricia M. Mitchell •

Dr. & Mrs. Yates Shuford Palmer, Sr., by Yates S. Palmer Family •

In Grateful Recognition of the Waldesian Settlers, by the Rostan Family Foundation •

John P. & Naomi B. Rostan •

John P. & Janice H. Rostan •

James H. & Linda R. Rostan •

Town of Valdese •

In Memory of Maged Safadi, by Valdees Textiles Inc.

Watch Maker Patrons

In Honor Of:

Sam & Amy Brinkley •

Brooks & Radford Families •

Employees of Mr. Roberts •

Mildred Price Fletcher •

The Leon E. Gulgou Family •

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pascal & Family •

Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Perrou, Sr. •

Teachers-Valdese Schools •

Valdese High School-Class of 1950


Burke Oil Co./Jack B. Quick •

Carolinas Healthcare System •

First Citizens Bank •

First Union National Bank •

Haworth Foundation, Inc. •

Houston Hosiery Mills, Inc. •

Le Phare Des Alpes •

McDonald's of Valdese •

Pilot Club of Valdese •

Rock Drug Store •

Botary Club of Valdese •

Valdese American Legion Post 234 •

Valdese General Hospital •

Waldensian Heritage Wines

In Memory of:

Albert & Helen Long Bleynat •

Jean-Plerre A. & Celestine Allie Dalmas •

Doris C. & J. Edward Carrou •

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Giraud •

Henry F. & Cesarine J. Long •

William Cameron Lowdermilk •

Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Micol, Sr. •

Alma W. Morrow •

Michael J. Morse •

Marianne & Benjamin Pons •

Charles L. & Aileen G. Smith •

Gus & Lena P. Whisenant •

Gleen Richard Zimmerman


Dr. & Mrs. Scott W. Baker •

Chip & Tammy Black •

Dr. & Brs. M.A. Bukharl •

Phillip E. & June G. Church •

Walter G. & Emily B. Church •

Jeannette Leger Foster •

Annette D. & Benjamin W. Garrow. Sr. •

Mr. & Mrs. John L. W. Garrou •

Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Garrou •

Alan & Lu Griffin •

Jim & Mary-Louise Hatley •

Alan R. Jacks, M.D.P.A. •

Emile M. & Phyillis G. Jacumin •

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Jacumin •

Walter Joe Jacumin, Sr. M.D. •

Dr. & Mrs. E. Bruce Jones •

Dr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Lane, Jr. •

Dr. & Mrs. N. Rudolph Mauney, Jr. •

Col. & Mrs. Victor E. Micol, Jr. •

Mare & Merie Mitchell •

Bobby David Nelson, Sr. •

Mr. & Mrs. G. Parks Sherrill, III •

Dr. & Mrs. John H. Sherrill •

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Garrou Sherrill •

Bonnie Deal Stephenson •

Randy & Debra F. Young •

Dr. & Mrs. Emmett R. White

Appreciation is also extended to the many others who have made contributions.

They are listed in a journal permanently displayed in the lobby of the Old Rock School.

Dedicated August 11, 2001

Marker is on Main St. W. (U.S. 70).

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: