Holmes County Veterans Memorial

Washington [north face]

Six Soldiers of the

Revolutionary War were

subsequently Residents of

Holmes County, Ohio.

Jackson [east face]

In memory of the

Soldiers of the War of A.D. 1812

who became citizens

of Holmes County, Ohio.

Scott [south face]

More than Two Hundred men

from Holmes County, Ohio,

served in the War with Mexico.

They were engaged in the

Battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras,

Cherubusco, Molino Dely Ray

Chapultepec and San Cosme.

Grant [west face]

In response to the different

calls of the Government,

Two Thousand and Fourteen Men

went from Holmes County during the

War of the Rebellion.

They were engaged in many Battles

from Philippi to Appomattox.

Dulce et decorum est pro Patria mori.

[north face column]

Rededicated July 1976

in honor of the veterans

who served their country

during the...

Spanish American War

World War I

World War II



Marker is at the intersection of Jackson Street (Ohio Route 39) and Clay Street (Ohio Route 83), on the right when traveling east on Jackson Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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