Home of Clara Pendleton Blanchard


For 40 years Clara sailed, first with her father at age nine, then with her husband, Captain William Blanchard, aboard 13 vessels in all. She enjoyed one of the longest documented lives at sea and sailed to all parts of the world. Clara was one of five sisters to marry sea captains. Over the next 19 years this seafaring couple had eight children with only one born on land. Four of her sons would go on to become masters of their own vessels. After "coming ashore" in 1904, Captain Blanchard took one last passage with their son, Captain Frederick, leaving Clara at home in Searsport where she would bear her grief. Her husband and son died when the bark Willard Mudgett was lost at sea. Photos show the vessel, Captain and Clara Blanchard as a young couple and Captain Blanchard shortly before his death.

Marker is on West Main Street (U.S. 1), on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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