Hoosick World War II Memorial

In grateful memory

this avenue of trees is dedicated

to all the brave men of

The Town of Hoosick

who served with the victorious forces of

the United States

in the Second World War

1941 – 1945.

On this tablet are inscribed

the names of those who

called from our midst

gave their lives for

those American principles of Liberty

which their forefathers in earlier days

so sturdily defended on this field.

Raymond L. Armitage • Richard S. Albergine • Francis J. Curtis • Merritt C. Fuller • Sylvester Fosegan • Thomas J. Fosegan • Walter F. Gavin • Lester F. Goodermote • William J. Hayes • Howard D. Hunt • Kenneth H. Hoffman • Sherman H. Hoffman • James Kenneth Hall • Edward R. Kalinowski • William I. Kipp • Clifford H. Lance • Joseph Lewsey • William J. McCracken • James J. McGarvin • Harold J. McLucas • G. Edward Manning • Earl A. Niles • Edward A. Nowik • Frank A. O’Neil • Walter C. Sluzas • Stanley J. Urbon • Charles R. Whipple, Jr. • Harold F. Wilson • Leon J. Wilcox • James J. Woodworth • Andrew L. Williams • John J. Yavaniski • Bernard J. Zitinskas

Town of Hoosick – State of New York


Marker is on New York Route 67, on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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