Hummingbird Music Camp

Deeply rooted in the history of the Jemez Springs community is Hummingbird Music Camp: a children’s summer camp nestled in the picturesque Jemez Mountains. Located in a fifty-three acre park- like setting, Hummingbird provides musical instruction for children within the confines of a natural paradise.

Founded in 1959 by Lloyd and Wanda Higgins, the camp encouraged an appreciation for both music and nature. Before securing the land, instruments, and funding for the camp, Lloyd Higgins spent 38 years as an elementary band instructor in the Albuquerque public school system. He envisioned a camp where musical enrichment took place in a traditional summer camp setting.

On its initial opening date, Higgins registered only five boys for the first weeklong session. Praise for the camp spread quickly, however, and by the last session of 1959, the camp registered forty boys and girls from Albuquerque and other surrounding communities.

Hummingbird grew exponentially over the years, and constructed new facilities to accommodate instruction for more than one thousand students each summer. Many members of the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra credit their musical success to Higgins and the camp. Additionally, art and chess competitions now enhance the summer curriculum.

Today, the camp is an integral part of the Jemez Springs community. Campers provide free concerts throughout the summer in nearby Jemez Springs Park, and Hummingbird students traditionally lead off the annual Fourth of July parade.