In Respectful Memory of Joseph M. Staples

Deputy Sheriff of El Dorado County

On Thursday, June 30, 1864 at about 10 PM two west-bound stage coaches of the Pioneer Stage Company were held up and the passengers robbed at gun-point at a location approximately 15 miles east of Placerville.

The bandits demanded and obtained Wells, Fargo & Co. treasury boxes plus several sacks of bullion, stating that they were Confederate Soldiers trying to raise funds for the Confederacy.

Following the robbery, the outlaws separated into two groups, one heading west to Thirteen Mile House, and the other heading south-west toward Somerset, arriving there in the early morning of July 1st. Following their trail, Deputy Sheriff Joseph Staples, accompanied by constables Van Eaton and Ranney confronted the outlaws at the Somerset House. In the ensuing gun battle Staples was killed and suspect Thomas Poole and Constable Ranney were wounded.

Suspect Poole was captured at the scene and later tried and convicted of the murder of Deputy Staples. He was executed by being hanged in Placerville on Sept. 29, 1865.

Deputy Staples was the first El Dorado County Peace Officer to give his life in the pursuit of criminal justice. As such, he deserves the recognition and appreciation of all of the law-abiding citizens of California.

Marker is on Main Street, on the right when traveling west.


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