Introduction to the Trail - Auto Tour 2

The Nez Perce War of 1877 symbolizes the dramatic collision of cultures which continues to shape the West and its people. A native people were forced to flee their homelands in a futile attempt to avoid war and save their traditional ways. Immigrated European people found themselves fighting neighbors who had been their friends for many years. Traditional trails, which had long been a source of joy and sustenance, became a trail of flight and conflict, a trail of sorrow.


For those who look and listen carefully,
the trail stories still whisper in the winds.
Come learn how the Nimiípuu
pursued by the army made
a hasty journey over this trail in 1877.
See through their eyes.
Feel the pain of leaving their homeland
for an uncertain future.
Their example of fortitude
and conviction is a model for
the Nimiípuu today.

Chronology of the 1877 Flight of the Nez Perce from Orofino, Idaho to Lolo, Montana

July - August, 1877
1 July - Captain Whipple’s troops attack and plunder Looking Glass’s village near Kooskia. The Looking Glass band joins Red Owl’s camp on the South Fork of the Clearwater  ccompanied by the Palouse band of Husishusis Kute.
6 July* - Looking Glass joins the bands of Joseph, White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote.
8 July - 75 volunteers leave Mount Idaho to look for the Nez Perce. They encamp on a hill west of the South Fork of the Clearwater.
9 July - General Howard camps at Walls, east of the South Fork of the Clearwater River.
11 July - General Howard surprises the Nez Perce, and the Clearwater Battle begins.
12 July - The Nez Perce withdraw from the Clearwater Battle and camp that evening near Kamiah. Troops occupy and plunder the former Nez Perce camp on the South Fork of
the Clearwater River.
13 July - The Nez Perce cross the Clearwater River at Kamiah.
15 July - The Nez Perce move to and camp near Weippe.
16 July - Returning from Montana, Red Heart’s band of 35  people is arrested at Weippe.
16 July - The nontreaty bands head east on the Lolo Trail.
17 July - A scouting party is ambushed south of Weippe by the Nez Perce rear guard.
25 July - Fort Fizzle is constructed four miles west of Lolo, Montana.
26 July - The Nez Perce meet with Captain Rawn at Fort Fizzle.
28 July - The Nez Perce detour around Fort Fizzle.
30 July - General Howard leaves Kamiah and camps at Weippe.
31 July - General Howard’s command camps at Musselshell Meadows.
2 August - Captain Spurgin’s 50 axe men join General Howard’s command.
6 August - General Howard’s command camps at Lolo Hot Springs.
* This date is approximate.

Credits and Sources:

Nez Perce (Nee-Me-Poo) National Historic Trail - Auto Tour 2