Iredell County World War II Memorial

To Honor and Remember Those of Iredell County Who Gave Their Lives in World War II

Jay Edgar Alley

William F. Anthony, Jr.

Thomas B. Arthur

Herbert Richard Baker

Herman Bostian Ballard

Charles Stephen Beck

William M. Beckham

William Grier Belk

Keith Whitefield Blackwelder

Trent Earl Brady

Ernest Brewer

James C. Brewer

Carlie E. Brooks

Douglas F. Brotherton

Plato J. Brown

Walter Franklin Brown

Ray M. Browning

James Luke Broyhill

William A. Brugess

Jay C. Byers

Mack M. Byers

Ralph H. Caldwell

Jolly Canipe

William Wade Cashion

John Glenn Cates

John Boyd Christenbury

Forrest Earl Cockrell

Joseph W. Cooper

Robert I. Cowan

Lester Daniels

Hugh Smith Denny

Julius Brockman Earle, Jr.

William C. Estes

Bill F. Forsyth

Kenneth J. Foutz

Parks F. Fox

Nathan A. Freeze

Raymond Edsel Freeze

Howell J. Frontis

Arthur Joe Frye

John F. Gantt

James Alexander Garrison, Jr.

Thomas S. Gilliam

L.G. Goforth, Jr.

Paul M. Hager

Clarence R. Harris

William D. Harris

Roy C. Hartline

Harry Gordon Heath

Lewis W. Holler, Jr.

Robert W. Holmes

Osborne A. Hoover

Voight B. Hoover

Clyde Pressley Houston

Elmer Howard

Joseph Daniel Hutchens

James Leonard Jenkins

Bristol Reece Johnson

Frank Link Johnson, Jr.

William Winfred Johnson

James D. Johnston

David R. Jolly, Sr.

Arthur M. Jones

George Washington Josey, Jr.

Max W. Joyner

Samuel Sylvanus Kerley

John Price Kerr

Albert M. King

Martin Luther Kluttz

Robert William Lloyd

Fred J. Lowrance

Paul J. Lowrance

Judson A. Lyons

Walter G. Malcomb

Charles Pressly Mayberry

Paul R. Mayberry

Lyde E. McDaniel

Donald L. McLelland

Graham N. McLelland

Lonnie Elbert Merrill

Richard Messick

Joseph Henry Miller

Homer E. Mills

Richard W. Mills

Robert Adam Mills

William Courtney Mills

Don P. Moore

James Clyde Moore

Johnnie D. Moore

Paul Scott Moore

Robert N. Moose

Henry C. Morrison

Edward M. Mozer

Craig L. Munday

Jasper Lee Murdock

Richard W. Myers

Johnnie G. Orren


To Honor and Remember Those of Iredell County Who Gave Their Lives in World War II

Everette Flake Overcash

Charles F. Patterson

James Edward Payne

Lester Lee Peacock

Peat Pledger

Paul Banks Poston

Noble Rex Prevette

Fred N. Reavis

James C. Reddeck

Cecil R. Redmond

J.R. Reep

Franklin D. Roberts

Harold H. Roberts

Ira G. Royster, Jr.

Harlan V. Safrit

Alvin Scott, Jr.

Edgar Everitt Scott

D.C. Shaver

Charles M. Sherrill, Jr.

William T. Sherrill

Glenn Grover Shook

James Barber Sims

Ralph Easly Sipes

George Hoyle Smith

John Brem Smith

Virgil Lee Roy Smith

James Thomas Smoot

Harry Young Somers

Junior Souther

Huie Speaks

Lynwood F. Spencer

Fred Adam Stack

David T. Stinson

R.C. Swann

Harry Hugh Sykes

William P. Tayse

William O. Towell

Ernest Eugene Tucker

William T. Waller

Herbert M. Watts

James L. Weaner

Clarence W. Webster

William Thomas Weisner

John S. Weston

George G. White

Eugene Thomas Whitener

Thomas Weisner Williams

Clyde J. Wincoff

Samuel G. York


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