Isaac Van Wart Memorial

[ north face ]

Here Repose

the mortal remains


Isaac Van Wart

an Elder of the Greenburgh Church

who died on the 25th of May 1828

in 69th Year of his Age

[ east face ]

Vincit Amor Patriage

Nearly half a Century

before this Monument was built

The Conscript Fathers of America

had in the Senate Chamber voted that

Isaac Van Wart

was a Faithful Patriot, one in whom

the Love of Country was


and this tomb bears testimony that the

Record is True.

[ west face]

The Citizens

Of the

County of Westchester

Erected this Tomb

in testimony of the high sense

they entertain for the

Virtuous and Patriotic Conduct

of their Fellow Citizen

and as a Memorial Sacred to

Public Gratitude.

[ south face ]


On the 23rd of September 1780,

Isaac Van Wart,

accompanied by

John Paulding and David Williams,

all Farmers of the County of Westchester,

intercepted Major André, on his return

from the American Lines in the Character of a Spy

and notwithstanding the large bribes offered them

for his release, Nobly disdaining to Sacrifice their

Country for Gold

secured and carried him to the Commanding Officer

of the district, whereby the dangerous and traitorous

Conspiracy of Arnold was brought to light,

the insidious designs of the Enemy baffled,

the American Army saved,

and our Beloved Country now free

and Independent, rescued from most

Imminent Peril.

Marker is at the intersection of South Central Avenue (New York Route 9A) and Parkway Plaza, on the right when traveling north on South Central Avenue.


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