Jackson's Headquarters

John B. White House

(Preface): On January 1, 1862, Confederate Gen. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson led four brigades west from Winchester, Va., to secure Romney in the fertile South Branch Valley on the North Western Turnpike. He attacked and occupied Bath on January 4 and shelled Hancock, Md.; he marched into Romney on January 14. Despite atrocious winter weather, Jackson's men destroyed telegraph lines and 100 miles of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad track. Leaving Gen. William W. Loring's brigades in Romney, Jackson led the Stonewall Brigade back to Winchester on January 23. Loring followed on January 31, and the Federals reoccupied Romney on February 7.

Confederate Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson made his headquarters here in John Baker White’s brick house on January 14, 1862. When Union Gen Frederick W. Lander’s forces evacuated Romney on January 10 as Jackson approached, they left behind $60,000 worth of stores as well as fully stocked camps, including their tents. Jackson’s men, who had suffered from extreme cold and heavy snow throughout the campaign, appreciated access to warm, dry clothing and rations.

While Jackson occupied White’s house, he laid plans to pursue the Federal force and telegraphed the Confederate War Department to request additional troops, including cavalry. He hoped to capture Cumberland, Maryland, but when reinforcements were not forthcoming, he planned instead simply to continue west and destroy the railroad bridge at New Creek Station (present-day Keyser). Morale among the men was so low, however, especially in Gen. William W. Loring’s brigades, that Jackson reluctantly abandoned that plan as well. Convinced that Loring’s men were unfit for winter campaigning, Jackson decided to leave them here and march his beloved Stonewall Brigade back to Winchester, then perhaps lead it into action.

Jackson and the brigade departed Romney on January 23 for Winchester. Loring began undermining Jackson’s reputation with the War Department, and on January 31, Jackson received a telegram from Secretary of War Judah P. Benjamin outside military channels directing him to order Loring to leave Romney. Outraged at the breach of protocol and blatant interference, Jackson resigned but eventually was persuaded to remain in service.

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 50), on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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