James Dean

1931 1955

Key scenes from the

classic motion picture "Rebel Without a Cause"

were filmed at the Griffith Observatory

in Spring 1955. Although many movies

have been filmed at Griffith Observatory,

"Rebel Without a Cause"was the first to

portray the Observatory as what it is and to contribute positively to the

Observatory's International reputation.

This monument acknowledges Griffith Observatory's long and continuous

involvement with Hollywood film

production by remembering the young

star of that motion picture.

James Dean

(On second plaque: Not pictured )

1931 James Dean 1955

This is not a monument to a rebel, those

were only rolls he played. James Dean

was an American original who on a basis

of high school honors and a period of five

years time rose to the very pinnacle of

the theatrical profession and through

the magic of motion pictures lives on

in legend.

Presented in 1988 by the artist

Kenneth Kendall who sculpted it in

1955-1956 at the request of James Dean

and dedicates it to his memory.

It ended with his body changed

to light

a star burns forever in

that sky

"The Flight of Quetzalcoatl"

Aztec Poem

Marker can be reached from East Obseratory Ave., on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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