James Screven and Daniel Stewart

[North Face]:

1750           1778

Sacred to the

Memory of

Brigadier General

James Screven

who fell, covered with wounds, at

Sunbury, near this spot, on the 22nd

day of November, 1778. He died

on the 24th day of November, 1778,

from the effects of his wounds.

[South Face]:

1759           1829

Sacred to the

Memory of

Brigadier General

Daniel Stewart

A gallant soldier in the

Revolution and an Officer

Brevetted for bravery in

the Indian Wars

[A dedication plaque is on the east face]:

Reared by The Congress of the United States as a nation's tribute to Brigadier Generals James Screven and Daniel Stewart

Marker can be reached from the intersection of N Coastal Hwy (U.S. 17) and Martin St..

Courtesy hmdb.org

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