Jewish War Veterans Memorial

In honor of

the Arizonans of

the Jewish faith

who gave their lives

in the service

of our country in World War II

In Memoriam

Sgt. Leno Off April, 1943 • Sgt. Eli Gold - Dec. 29, 1943 • Sgt. Elmer I. Rosner - July 8, 1944 • Lt. Harry Urman - Nov. 4, 1944 • Sgt. Robert J. Friedman - Nov. 17, 1944 • PFC. Lenard P. Meyer - March 14, 1945 • S2/C Irving Paul - April 12, 1945 • Lt. Aaron I. Dow - May 31, 1945

Marker can be reached from West Jefferson Street near North 17th Avenue.


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