Johnson County Spanish American War Honor Roll

[ Plaque One ]

—?— ( Official Crest ) —?—

United ?Spanish ? War ? Veterans

1898 ? 1902

—?— —— —?— —— —?—

[ Plaque Two ]

In Honor and Memory of

The Volunteers of 1898

Erected and Dedicated by

Franklin Camp No. 64

United Spanish War Veterans

[ Row One ]

Will O. Allen ? William J. Balser ? John G. Barlow ? Otto Beard ? Fred Borgstead ? Top Bottom ? Charles E. Bowen ? Abraham L. Bronson ? David A. Cisco ? John E. Collins ? Albert R. Coy ? George DeMotte ? William G. Everson ? Silas Gibson ? Carl W. Goff ? Robert J. Goodin ? John Hall ? Edward B. Halfacre ? Albert O. Hendricks ? James P. Henry ? John Z. Holcomb ? George Hungate ? Alva Hupp ? Frank Israel ? Everett Israel ? William Israel ? Solomon Jackson ? William R. Johnson ? Smith Kelly ? Frank L. Kennedy

[ Row Two ]

Jesse R. Kinnick ? William J. Lacy ? Hal W. Lemasters ? Monroe G. Martin ? Roy E. Moore ? Perry McClanahan ? William E. McGee ? Robert L. Nave ? Charles B. Owens ? Harry G. Parr ? Edward Patrick ? Roscoe C. Perkins ? Otto Pickerell ? Austin Poe ? Elmer T. Pruitt ? Charles C. Pruitt ? Leonard Rader ? Elmer Robinson ? Lewis A. Roth ? Alin D. Ruby ? Fred Rushton ? Harry B. Shepherd ? James F. Stevens ? Samuel Tabor ? John H. Tarlton ? Ezra F. Walden ? Henry H. Wasson ? George M. Wells ? Walter Wilson ? Wesley Winkler

Erected 1932

Marker is at the intersection of Jefferson Street and North Main Street, on the right when traveling east on Jefferson Street.


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