Joseph A. Beirne

1911 - - - - - 1974


Communications Workers of America

1938 - 1974

Joseph Beirne helped found the CWA in 1938, and served as President until 1974, helping develop CWA into the largest communications union in the Nation.

In 1949, when the CWA joined the CIO, he was appointed to the CIO Community Services Committee, and was made Chairman in 1952. He became Chairman of the AFL-CIO’s Community Services Committee in 1955, and of its International Affairs Committee in 1969. He was a member of the AFL-CIO’s Executive Council. He held Presidential Appointments in every Administration since that of F. D. Roosevelt.

His career was filled with numerous awards for his community minded activities, and in 1975, he was Posthumously Accorded the AFL-CIO’s highest honor, The Philip Murray - William Green Award.

Joseph Beirne was one of Labor’s and the Country’s foremost leaders in working for a better America for all.

Marker can be reached from North 8th Street south of Spruce Street.


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