Joseph & Theodosia Burr Alston

And Their Son Aaron Burr Alston

Sacred to the Memory of Joseph & Theodosia Burr Alston and their Son Aaron Burr Alston. This last died in June 1812 at the age of 10 years and his remains are interred here. The disconsolate Mother perished a few months after at sea. And on the 10th of Sept. 1816 died the Father, when little over 37 years of age, whose remains rest here with his Son’s.

The lot of this Citizen was no common one to the state. To its service he devoted himself from early years. On the floors of its Legislature, he was distinguished for his extensive information & his transcendent eloquence; in the chair of the House of Representatives, for impartial, correct decisions; & every where, he was distinguished for his zealous attachment to republican principles.

In the capacity of Chief Magistrate of the State when both the honour & the responsibility of the trust were heightened by the difficulties and dangers of the war of 1812, he by his indomitable activity & his salutary measures earned new titled to the respect & the Gratitude of his fellow citizens.

This great man was also a good one. He met death with that fortitude with which his ancestor did from whom he received his name & this estate, & which is to be found only the good hoping to rejoin those whose loss had left his heart an aching void, that nothing on earth could fill.

Bowe & Co.

Marker can be reached from Brookgreen Gardens near U.S. 17.


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