Kansas Pacific Railroad Depots

Historical Plaza Walking Tour Stop 14

The Depots, just north of this sign were the natural gathering place for frontier towns. The area bustled with actiivity as dray (delivery) operators came and went with freight for local business. Of course, information from "back East" arrived first at the depots, making it a favorite center of news and gossip. The open area of the Plaza also lent itself to confrontation - as the warning of an impending fight was advanced, innocent parties could take cover. In the famous shooting of Sheriff Whitney, Ben Thompson claimed that he and Billy went to the Depots for just that reeason. A few shots were fired between the Thompsons at the Depots and Happy Jack Morco who had stationed himself inside one of the South Main Street shops. Sheriff Whitney and City Deputy John Delong approached the Thompsons from North Main Street and guaranteed their safety. Whitney asked them to "take a drink" with him and they returned to Joe Brennan's Saloon (12). Sheriff Whitney was the only disarmed man involved as it was Sunday and he was in route to a picnic when the disturbance erupted.

Marker is on South Main Street near Lincoln Avenue, on the left when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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