Katonah Civil War Memorial

[ East plaque ]

In Memoriam

Capt. James Mckeel

Capt. John W. Sweetman

And Members of Co. A 4th N.Y. Vol.

Heavy Art’y Who Enlisted From

Katonah, NY to Serve During

The Civil War of 1861 – 1865

James C. Bogan

Franklin Dingee

Oscar L. Dearborn

Leonidas E. Gallahue

Edgar Hitt

Rufus Hitt

Patrick Hughes

B.F. Lockwood

J.T. Lockwood

James H. Lyon

Robert A. Reynolds

Leonard H. Secor

Clark See

Harrison Totten

Stark V. Totten

Albert Tucker


erected by

Private J.T. Lockwood

Of Co. A 4th N.Y. Vol. Heavy Art’y


Dedicated May 30, 1914

[ West plaque ]

In Honor Of

Our Friend

Hon. William H. Robertson

And Our Comrades

Major Theodore Price 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Captain James McKeel 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y


Charter Members of McKeel Post No 120

Grand Army of the Republic

Jeremiah T. Lockwood Co. A 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Edward A. Teed Co. A 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Clark See Co. A 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Edgar Hitt Co. A 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Purdy Quick Co. L 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Abram S. Knapp Co. I 4th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Edwin S. Folsom Co. B 1st N.J. Volunteers

Edgar B. Newman Co. F 48th N.Y. Volunteers

Samuel S. Austin Co. B 6th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Charles Fisher Co. D 6th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Enoch H. Avery Co. D 6th N.Y. Heavy Art’y

Webster L. Hull Co. A 6th Conn. Volunteers

Charles H. Corbyn Co. H 170th N.Y. Volunteers

C. Ward Varian Co. E 165th N.Y. Volunteers

James A. Tuttle Co. D 2nd N.Y. Cavalry

Jeremiah B. Turner Receiving Ship “Vermont”

Erected by McKeel Post No 120. S.N.Y.G.A.R.

Dedicated May 30, 1923

Marker is at the intersection of Woods Bridge Road and Parkway, on the left when traveling north on Woods Bridge Road.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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