Keith County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to all Keith County Veterans

[Torch and medallions of the five service branches]

Dedicated to all Keith County Veterans

Inscribed are the names of those veterans from Keith County who made the supreme sacrifice in the defense of the freedom we hold so dear.

World War I

Daniel Hankins • Harold Miller • William Kilgore


Jack Canfield • Raymond Daubendick • Cynthia Dickey • Darrell Gehrke • Leonard Hultquist • Kenneth Johoner • William Kildare • Rodger McQuay • Roy Mohr • Robert Nowak


Joe Bricker • Gerald Brown • Jonnie Martinez • Earl Renfrow • Russell Sherlock • Gordon Stedman • Floyd Straufer • Beatrice Terry • Teddy Walker • Milton Wisman

LeBanon & Grenada

Gregory Eichner • Scott Smith

World War II

Alger B Anderson • Lewis Archer • Leo Armknecht • Rodney Babbitt • Joe Backer • Leslie Barnt • Robert Boyle • Ernest Caskey • Melvin Ehlers • Aloysius Furmanski • Cecil Gibson • Lloyd Gillman • Lloyd Harvey • Don Hollingworth • Carl Kennedy • Lucille Kennedy • Joseph Klapal • John Kuntz • Willard Legate • Martin McColloch • Joe McFadden • Otto Martens • Orlo Montgomery • Elmer Morrell • John Mueller • Glenn Nielson • Floyd Oehlerking • Bernard Ratzlaff • Gerald Riggins • Glenn Short • Harry Spencer • John Terry • Charles Van Velson • Ervin Wilkening • Earl Williams

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Travis A Ford

Marker is on North Spruce Street.


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