Kemp Mill

A 1794 map of Maryland indicates a mill at this site owned by Quaker minister and political activist Evan Thomas. Thomas' Mill, leased to Thomas Brown in 1803, was sold to Aaron Dyer in 1816. Francis Valdenar purchased the frame saw and grist mill in 1833. During the 1830 decade a small settlement called Claysville existed near the mill that included a store and tanyard. The name Kemp Mill materialized in 1857 when Valdenar sold to George Kemp. Kemp's family operated the mill until 1905. When the center of milling shifted to the mid-west in the late 1800's many small family mills in Montgomery County like Kemp Mill closed. In 1919 the mill burned. M-NCPPC purchased the site in 1957.

Marker is on Randolph Road east of Kemp Mill Road, on the right when traveling east.


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