Kent County Courthouses (1680-1983)

Court was first held in Jones County in 1680. In 1682 William Penn changed the county’s name to Kent County. On August 11, 1863 William Penn directed that the town of Dover be laid out and that a courthouse be erected at the intersection of its two main streets. In 1697-1699 a courthouse was erected in accordance with Penn’s direction at the site of the present courthouse. A former courthouse had been ordered burned for its nails. The 1699 building was used until 1722 when it was sold for use as a tavern and a new courthouse was erected on the east side of The Green. The courts met at that site until 1874 when the present courthouse was erected as a four-story building. In 1918 it was remodeled and reduced to three stories. It has been expanded at various times, including 1957 and 1983.

Marker can be reached from The Green near South State Street, on the right when traveling east.


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